Genkisound 1001 // Analphabetik 005 - Lord Lloigor The Remixes (Full Album) - WAV+Mp3


Genkisound 1001 -  Analphabetik 005 - Llord Lloigor - the Un-Return

Trivia fact: Lord Lloigor quitted in early 2000's. Few know that Analphabetik should have published a good bye vynil, which never was (it came out in 2007 as Ultradimensional Templar)
Now, in 2018 we decide to restart the label where we stopped: Lord Llogor!

This release features 6 tracks: 3 handpicked by Lord Lloigor himself before quitting the scene and 3 remixes by GFB, Occullkot and Rotello.

Tracklist from Lord Lloigor side  follows his own directive from back to the '00s.
GFB Remix is one of the most reckognizable track by them and this is the first chance you have to play it on your set with a proper quality mp3 / wav
Occulkot is a rising dark speedcore producer from Poland.
Rotello, you know me, I suck big time :-P and here you will taste a speedcore mix ( you can also download the full RNSX track here) .
Immortality Side:
Lord Lloigor - March of the Green Knights (4:12)
Lord Lloigor - What Lies Beyond

Lord Lloigor - A-Mor
Reincarnation Side:
Lord Lloigor - Ray of Darkness (GabbaFrontBerlin Rmx)
Lord Lloigor - A-Mor (Occulkot rmx) - 5:27
Lord Lloigor - The Shadow Serpent (Rotello Rmx)
From Discog


All Track Available as .Mp3 and .Wav

Listen to Genkisound 1001 on SoundCloud
Lord Lloigor - Ray Of Darkness (Gabba Front Remix) (Genkisound 1001 // Analphabetik005)

Lord Lloigor - A-mor (Love) Occulkot RMX (Genkisound 1001 // Analphabetik005)
Lord Lloigor - The Shadow Serpent (Rotello RMX) - (Genkisound 1001 // Analphabetik005)

Listen to Genkisound 1001 on Youtube


What's Included
5 Tracks (320 Mp3 and Wav)
2 original XM
Special label re-launch price
Bonus: Download XM
The March of Green Knight. XM
The shadow Serpent .XM