Genkisound 1001 // Analphabetik 005 - Lord Lloigor The Remixes (Full Album) - MP3
Genkisound 1001 - Analphabetik 005 - Llord Lloigor - the Un-Return
Trivia fact: Lord Lloigor quitted in early 2000's. Few know that Analphabetik should have published a good bye vynil, which never was (it came out in 2007 as Ultradimensional Templar)
Now, in 2018 we decide to restart the label where we stopped: Lord Llogor!
This release features 6 tracks: 3 handpicked by Lord Lloigor himself before quitting the scene and 3 remixes by GFB, Occullkot and Rotello.
- Tracklist from Lord Lloigor side follows his own directive from back to the '00s.
- GFB Remix is one of the most reckognizable track by them and this is the first chance you have to play it on your set with a proper quality mp3 / wav
- Occulkot is a rising dark speedcore producer from Poland.
- Rotello, you know me, I suck big time :-P and here you will taste a speedcore mix ( you can also download the full RNSX track here) .
Immortality Side:
- Lord Lloigor - March of the Green Knights (4:12)
- Lord Lloigor - What Lies Beyond
- Lord Lloigor - A-Mor
Reincarnation Side:
- Lord Lloigor - Ray of Darkness (GabbaFrontBerlin Rmx)
- Lord Lloigor - A-Mor (Occulkot rmx) - 5:27
- Lord Lloigor - The Shadow Serpent (Rotello Rmx)
From Discog
All Track Available as .Mp3 and .Wav
Listen to Genkisound 1001 on SoundCloud
Lord Lloigor - Ray Of Darkness (Gabba Front Remix) (Genkisound 1001 // Analphabetik005)
Lord Lloigor - A-mor (Love) Occulkot RMX (Genkisound 1001 // Analphabetik005)
Lord Lloigor - The Shadow Serpent (Rotello RMX) - (Genkisound 1001 // Analphabetik005)
Listen to Genkisound 1001 on Youtube
What's Included
- 5 Tracks (320 Mp3 and Wav)
- 2 original XM
- Special label re-launch price
Bonus: Download XM
- The March of Green Knight. XM
- The shadow Serpent .XM
Available also as MP3+Wav